Tuesday, 2 September 2014

inheritence in peramiterize constrcter ?

inheritence in peramiterize constrcter ?

class a
int a;
a(int x)
class b : public a
int b;
b(int x, int y):a(y)
class c
int c;
c(int x)
class d: public b,public c
d(int x,int y,int z):b(x,y),c(z)

int main()
d d1;

Thursday, 28 August 2014

Q:- "PLSQL" find out employee gross salary in pl/sql.

set serveroutput on
name varchar2(10);
basic_salary number(10);
hra_salary number(10);
da_salary number(10);
gross_salary number(10);
If basic_salary<=100 and basic_salary>=100 than
hra_salary:= basic_salary*5/100;
da_salary:= basic_salary*10/100;
gross_salary := basic_salary+ hra_salary+ da_salary;
elseIf basic_salary<=1001 and basic_salary>=5000 than
hra_salary:= basic_salary*10/100;
da_salary:= basic_salary*15/100;
gross_salary := basic_salary+ hra_salary+ da_salary;
elseIf basic_salary<=5001 and basic_salary>=10000 than
hra_salary:= basic_salary*15/100;
da_salary:= basic_salary*20/100;
gross_salary := basic_salary+ hra_salary+ da_salary;
elseIf basic_salary>1000 than
hra_salary:= basic_salary*20/100;
da_salary:= basic_salary*25/100;
gross_salary := basic_salary+ hra_salary+ da_salary;
RDBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('director by:-www.sybca4.blogspot.in');

created by g.p. vaghasiya

Wednesday, 30 July 2014

Functions with Variable Argument Lists in C and C++ using va_list

To use a function with variable number of arguments, or more precisely, a function without a set number of arguments, you would use the cstdarg header file. There are four parts needed: va_list, which stores the list of arguments, va_start, which initializes the list, va_arg, which returns the next argument in the list, and va_end, which cleans up the variable argument list. Whenever a function is declared to have an indeterminate number of arguments, in place of the last argument you should place an ellipsis (which looks like '...'), so, int a_function ( int x, ... ); would tell the compiler the function should accept however many arguments that the programmer uses, as long as it is equal to at least one, the one being the first, x.

va_list is like any other variable. For example,

va_list a_list; 
va_start is a macro which accepts two arguments, a va_list and the name of the variable that directly precedes the ellipsis (...). So, in the function a_function, to initialize a_list with va_start, you would write va_start ( a_list, x );

va_arg takes a va_list and a variable type, and returns the next argument in the list in the form of whatever variable type it is told. It then moves down the list to the next argument. For example, va_arg ( a_list, double ) will return the next argument, assuming it exists, in the form of a double. The next time it is called, it will return the argument following the last returned number, if one exists.

To show how each of the parts works, take an example function:
#include <cstdarg>
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

// this function will take the number of values to average
// followed by all of the numbers to average
double average ( int num, ... )
  va_list arguments;                     // A place to store the list of arguments
  double sum = 0;

  va_start ( arguments, num );           // Initializing arguments to store all values after num
  for ( int x = 0; x < num; x++ )        // Loop until all numbers are added
    sum += va_arg ( arguments, double ); // Adds the next value in argument list to sum.
  va_end ( arguments );                  // Cleans up the list

  return sum / num;                      // Returns the average
int main()
    // this computes the average of 13.2, 22.3 and 4.5 (3 indicates the number of values to average)
  cout<< average ( 3, 12.2, 22.3, 4.5 ) <<endl;
    // here it computes the average of the 5 values 3.3, 2.2, 1.1, 5.5 and 3.3
  cout<< average ( 5, 3.3, 2.2, 1.1, 5.5, 3.3 ) <<endl;
It isn't necessarily a good idea to use a variable argument list at all times, because the potential exists for assuming a value is of one type, while it is in fact another, such as a null pointer being assumed to be an integer. Consequently, variable argument lists should be used sparingly. 

Tuesday, 29 July 2014

Introduction to Classes in C++

C++ is a bunch of small additions to C, with a few major additions. One major addition is the object-oriented approach (the other addition is support for generic programming, which we'll cover later). As the name object-oriented programming suggests, this approach deals with objects. Of course, these are not real-life objects themselves. Instead, these objects are the essential definitions of real world objects. Classes are collections of data related to a single object type. Classes not only include information regarding the real world object, but also functions to access the data, and classes possess the ability to inherit from other classes. (Inheritance is covered in a later lesson.)

If a class is a house, then the functions will be the doors and the variables will be the items inside the house. The functions usually will be the only way to modify the variables in this structure, and they are usually the only way even to access the variables in this structure. This might seem silly at first, but the idea to make programs more modular - the principle itself is called "encapsulation". The key idea is that the outside world doesn't need to know exactly what data is stored inside the class--it just needs to know which functions it can use to access that data. This allows the implementation to change more easily because nobody should have to rely on it except the class itself.

The syntax for these classes is simple. First, you put the keyword 'class' then the name of the class. Our example will use the name Computer. Then you put an open bracket. Before putting down the different variables, it is necessary to put the degree of restriction on the variable. There are three levels of restriction. The first is public, the second protected, and the third private. For now, all you need to know is that the public restriction allows any part of the program, including parts outside the class, to access the functions and variables specified as public. The protected restriction prevents functions outside the class to access the variable. The private restriction is similar to protected (we'll see the difference later when we look at inheritance. The syntax for declaring these access restrictions is merely the restriction keyword (public, private, protected) and then a colon. Finally, you put the different variables and functions (You usually will only put the function prototype[s]) you want to be part of the class. Then you put a closing bracket and semicolon. Keep in mind that you still must end the function prototype(s) with a semi-colon.

Let's look at these different access restrictions for a moment. Why would you want to declare something private instead of public? The idea is that some parts of the class are intended to be internal to the class--only for the purpose of implementing features. On the other hand, some parts of the class are supposed to be available to anyone using the class--these are the public class functions. Think of a class as though it were an appliance like a microwave: the public parts of the class correspond to the parts of the microwave that you can use on an everyday basis--the keypad, the start button, and so forth. On the other hand, some parts of the microwave are not easily accessible, but they are no less important--it would be hard to get at the microwave generator. These would correspond to the protected or private parts of the class--the things that are necessary for the class to function, but that nobody who uses the class should need to know about. The great thing about this separation is that it makes the class easier to use (who would want to use a microwave where you had to know exactly how it works in order to use it?) The key idea is to separate the interface you use from the way the interface is supported and implemented.

Classes must always contain two functions: a constructor and a destructor. The syntax for them is simple: the class name denotes a constructor, a ~ before the class name is a destructor. The basic idea is to have the constructor initialize variables, and to have the destructor clean up after the class, which includes freeing any memory allocated. If it turns out that you don't need to actually perform any initialization, then you can allow the compiler to create a "default constructor" for you. Similarly, if you don't need to do anything special in the destructor, the compiler can write it for you too!

When the programmer declares an instance of the class, the constructor will be automatically called. The only time the destructor is called is when the instance of the class is no longer needed--either when the program ends, the class reaches the end of scope, or when its memory is deallocated using delete (if you don't understand all of that, don't worry; the key idea is that destructors are always called when the class is no longer usable). Keep in mind that neither constructors nor destructors return arguments! This means you do not want to (and cannot) return a value in them.

Note that you generally want your constructor and destructor to be made public so that your class can be created! The constructor is called when an object is created, but if the constructor is private, it cannot be called so the object cannot be constructed. This will cause the compiler to complain.

The syntax for defining a function that is a member of a class outside of the actual class definition is to put the return type, then put the class name, two colons, and then the function name. This tells the compiler that the function is a member of that class.

For example:
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

class Computer // Standard way of defining the class
  // This means that all of the functions below this(and any variables)
  //  are accessible to the rest of the program.
  //  NOTE: That is a colon, NOT a semicolon...
  // Constructor
  // Destructor
  void setspeed ( int p );
  int readspeed();
  // This means that all the variables under this, until a new type of
  //  restriction is placed, will only be accessible to other functions in the
  //  class.  NOTE: That is a colon, NOT a semicolon...
  int processorspeed;
// Do Not forget the trailing semi-colon

  //Constructors can accept arguments, but this one does not
  processorspeed = 0;

  //Destructors do not accept arguments

void Computer::setspeed ( int p )
  // To define a function outside put the name of the class
  //  after the return type and then two colons, and then the name
  //  of the function.
  processorspeed = p;
int Computer::readspeed()  
  // The two colons simply tell the compiler that the function is part
  //  of the class
  return processorspeed;

int main()
  Computer compute;  
  // To create an 'instance' of the class, simply treat it like you would
  //  a structure.  (An instance is simply when you create an actual object
  //  from the class, as opposed to having the definition of the class)
  compute.setspeed ( 100 ); 
  // To call functions in the class, you put the name of the instance,
  //  a period, and then the function name.
  cout<< compute.readspeed();
  // See above note.

8 most populer mistake in c++ programming

1. Undeclared Variables

int main()
"Huh? Why do I get an error?"

Your compiler doesn't know what x means. You need to declare it as a variable.
int main()
  int x;

2. Uninitialized variables

int count;
"Why doesn't my program enter the while loop?"

In C++ variables are not initialized to zero. In the above snippet of code, count could be any value in the range of int. It might, for example, be 586, and in that situation the while loop's condition would never be true. Perhaps the output of the program would be to print the numbers from -1000 to 99. In that case, once again, the variable was assigned a memory location with garbage data that happened to evaluate to -1000.

Remember to initialize your variables.

3. Setting a variable to an uninitialized value

int a, b;
int sum=a+b;
cout<<"Enter two numbers to add: ";
cout<<"The sum is: "<<sum;
When Run:
Enter two numbers to add: 1 3
The sum is: -1393
"What's wrong with my program?"

Often beginning programmers believe that variables work like equations - if you assign a variable to equal the result of an operation on several other variables that whenever those variables change (a and b in this example), the value of the variable will change. In C++ assignment does not work this way: it's a one shot deal. Once you assign a value to a variable, it's that value until you reassign the values. In the example program, because a and b are not initialized, sum will equal an unknown random number, no matter what the user inputs.

To fix this error, move the addition step after the input line.
int a, b;
int sum;
cout<<"Enter two numbers to add: ";
cout<<"The sum is: "<<sum;

4. Using a single equal sign to check equality

char x='Y';
  cout<<"Continue? (Y/N)";
"Why doesn't my loop ever end?"

If you use a single equal sign to check equality, your program will instead assign the value on the right side of the expression to the variable on the left hand side, and the result of this statement is the value assigned. In this case, the value is 'Y', which is treated as true. Therefore, the loop will never end. Use == to check for equality; furthermore, to avoid accidental assignment, put variables on the right hand side of the expression and you'll get a compiler error if you accidentally use a single equal sign as you can't assign a value to something that isn't a variable.
char x='Y';
  cout<<"Continue? (Y/N)";

5. Undeclared Functions

int main()
void menu()
"Why do I get an error about menu being unknown?"

The compiler doesn't know what menu() stands for until you've told it, and if you wait until after using it to tell it that there's a function named menu, it will get confused. Always remember to put either a prototype for the function or the entire definition of the function above the first time you use the function.
void menu();
int main()
void menu()

6. Extra Semicolons

int x;
for(x=0; x<100; x++);
"Why does it output 100?"

You put in an extra semicolon. Remember, semicolons don't go after if statements, loops, or function definitions. If you put one in any of those places, your program will function improperly.
int x;
for(x=0; x<100; x++)

7. Overstepping array boundaries

int array[10];
for(int x=1; x<=10; x++)
"Why doesn't it output the correct values?"

Arrays begin indexing at 0; they end indexing at length-1. For example, if you have a ten element array, the first element is at position zero and the last element is at position 9.
int array[10];
for(int x=0; x<10; x++)

8. Misusing the && and || operators

int value;
}while(!(value==10) || !(value==20))
"Huh? Even though value is 10 the program loops. Why?"

Consider the only time the while loop condition could be false: both value==10 and value==20 would have to be true so that the negation of each would be false in order to make the || operation return false. In fact, the statement given above is a tautology; it is always true that value is not equal to 10 or not equal to 20 as it can't be both values at once. Yet, if the intention is for the program only to loop if value has neither the value of ten nor the value of 20, it is necessary to use && : !(value==10) && !(value==20), which reads much more nicely: "if value is not equal to 10 and value is not equal to 20", which means if value is some number other than ten or twenty (and therein is the mistake the programmer makes - he reads that it is when it is "this" or "that", when he forgets that the "other than" applies to the entire statement "ten or twenty" and not to the two terms - "ten", "twenty" - individually). A quick bit of boolean algebra will help you immensely: !(A || B) is the equivalent of !A && !B (Try it and see; you can read more about this rule on Wikipedia: DeMorgan's Law). The sentence "value is other than [ten or twenty]" (brackets added to show grouping) is translatable to !(value==10 || value==20), and when you distribute the !, it becomes !(value==10) && !(value==20).

The proper way to rewrite the program:
int value;
}while(!(value==10) && !(value==20))